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Designing Clinical Research

Many Of Our Readers Are Physicians, Nurses, Pharmacists, And Other Health Scientists Who, As Trainees And Junior Faculty, Are Developing Careers In Clinical Research And Use This Book As A Guide In Designing And Carrying Out Their Studies. Many Others Are Clinicians In Residency Programs And Pre-doctoral Students In Professional Schools—medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, And Public Health Among Others—who Use DCR To Help Them Become Discerning Readers With A Grasp Of The Strengths And Limitations Of The Research Studies That Inform Evidence-based Clinical Practice. A Third Audience Consists Of Undergraduate Students Preparing To Apply To These Schools Who Are Interested In Looking Ahead At The World Of Clinical Research.

Book Details

  • Format: PDF
  • Pages: 381 pages
  • Publication Date: 2007-01-01
  • Author: Stephen B. Hulley, MD, MPH
  • Language: English