Nurses and midwives face workplace barriers that impact their work activities. To ensure quality nursing and midwifery care, it’s important to identify and resolve these barriers. Studies have identified and categorized the barriers affecting these healthcare workers. The aim of this survey study was to identify the specific barriers encountered by nurses and midwives in Bangladesh. This was a descriptive quantitative survey study. A self-reported questionnaire containing 10 items developed by the researchers was used to collect the nurses’ and midwives’ workplace barrier data. The participants were 1706 nurses and midwives. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the nurses’ and midwives’ demographic and workplace barriers data. The study found that workplace barriers experienced by nurses and midwives included feeling unsafe, being unable to provide proper patient care, a lack of relationships with hospital colleagues, a lack of monitoring and work instructions, little opportunity to share ideas, and a lack of dressing rooms and toilets. Participants also faced difficulties getting weekly leave, rest and recreational leave, and maternity leave. Nurse and midwives experienced various workplace barriers. Resolving these barriers will contribute to a safe workplace, improve nurses’ and midwives’ performance, and improve the quality of nursing and midwifery care....Read more